Cocker Spaniel Studs

We’re a small, but highly experienced dog breeder based in beautiful South Herefordshire just outside the historic cathedral city of Hereford, so easy to reach from many locations in the UK.

DNA Clear Health Tests

Cadbury has an impressive set of clear DNA health tests as detailed below, guaranteeing none of his offspring will be affected by prcd-PRA, FN, AON, AMS and DM.

Arrange a Mating

We can be flexible when bookings are made and we will aim to help you in any way we can with your general breeding plans.

Welcome to Cocker Spaniel Studs

We have many years’ experience of successful dog breeding and offer a high-quality Cocker Spaniel stud service with a professional but personal touch. We have a well proven Cocker Spaniel dog called Cadbury who is at stud and available for mating services. Cadbury is very handsome, has a thick luxurious coat with a gorgeous rich chocolate (liver) colouring and has a wonderful temperament, lovable character and is an absolute pleasure to have as part of our family. He has an extremely low inbreeding coefficient percentage and holds five clear DNA health tests (including prcd-PRA, FN, AON, AMS and DM) ensuring his suitability as a well health tested sire and guaranteeing none of his offspring will be affected. Cadbury is regularly vet checked to ensure he’s in pristine condition and is perfect for mating with a wide selection of breeds including English Cocker Spaniels (Show and Working), American Cocker Spaniels, Poodles, Cockapoos, Labradoodles, English Springer Spaniels, Sprockers, Cockadors, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, Cockaliers, Beagles and Bockers of all generations and mixes.

We offer a very relaxed and friendly service that is focused on the dogs’ wellbeing and owners experience, which is fully supervised within the comfort of our home. Cadbury is very caring in nature and is particularly good with maiden bitches, and he’s received wonderful feedback from dog breeders who have used him for stud services. We’re based in beautiful South Herefordshire just outside the historic cathedral city of Hereford, so easy to reach from many locations in the UK including Berkshire, Dorset, Gloucestershire, Hampshire, Monmouthshire, Oxfordshire, Powys, Shropshire, Somerset, Staffordshire, Warwickshire, Wiltshire and Worcestershire.

For further information please read our FAQs, or if you have any additional questions, require advice prior to breeding your bitch or would just like a general chat, please feel free to get in touch or call directly on 07527 237 408.

Meet Cadbury

Meet Cadbury our handsome chocolate (liver) Cocker Spaniel stud. Cadbury holds five clear DNA health tests, stands at 13.5 inches, weighs 10 kilos and has an excellent low inbreeding coefficient of just 1.9%.

100% Clear DNA Health Tests

Cadbury has been tested 100% clear for the following five DNA health tests…

Arrange a Mating

To arrange a booking please complete the form below including estimated mating dates if possible please, or alternatively call or text 07527 237 408.

5 + 6 =

Why health tests matter...

Health tests are extremely important for dogs being used for breeding. A dog with good health tests ensures forward knowledge of the DNA health profile of litters, which helps to prevent offspring being affected by various diseases and conditions that could affect their quality of life or even be fatal. Of course not all illnesses can be tested or ruled out, but various serious conditions can be with selected health tests.

View Cadbury’s DNA health tests

How to arrange a mating...

Please contact us either prior to or on your girls first day of her season to arrange a booking. We can be flexible when bookings are made and of course appreciate that season dates may only be approximate. Cadbury is not over used and therefore has adequate rest periods, however, we can take bookings at short notice if needed and we will aim to help you in any way we can with your general breeding plans.

Make a booking enquiry

Get in touch...

If you have any questions or comments then please feel free to get in touch using our contact form and we’ll aim to get back to you as quick as two wags of a dog’s tail. So whether you need some general advice prior to breeding, perhaps already have a bitch that’s pregnant and need some additional help, or just want to make a comment or say ‘hello’ we’re really only a click away so please feel free to contact us!

Contact us now

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