Five Clear DNA Health Tests

Cadbury has an impressive set of clear DNA health tests as detailed below, guaranteeing none of his offspring will be affected by prcd-PRA, FN, AON, AMS and DM.

  • DNA tested for Progressive Retinal Atrophy (prcd-PRA) – CLEAR
  • DNA tested for Familial Nephropathy (FN) – CLEAR
  • DNA tested for Adult Onset Neuropathy (AON) – CLEAR
  • DNA tested for Acral Mutilation Syndrome (AMS) – CLEAR
  • DNA tested for Degenerative Myelopathy (DM) – CLEAR

Cadbury is extremely well DNA health tested for many conditions which are very important to Cocker Spaniel and popular Cocker Spaniel mix breeds, including Cockapoos, Sprockers, Cockadors, Cockaliers and Bockers of all generations and mixes.

All of these health tests are highly important as they guarantee offspring and future generations will be healthy and are the only way to prove that a dog is not a carrier or even worse affected by these conditions when planning your litter. Therefore, Cadbury is tested clear for these conditions and is why we promote DNA health testing as the health of your girls’ puppies are the most important thing to us.

Further information for each heath test can be read below.

Progressive Retinal Atrophy (prcd-PRA)

Progressive Retinal Atrophy is an inherited disease that is relevant to many dog breeds and comes in different forms. The prcd (Progressive Rod Cone Degeneration) form of PRA causes the cells in the retina to slowly deteriorate and overtime the affected dog could potentially suffer from night blindness to complete blindness, however some affected dogs may show mild signs of sight lose. The age which a dog shows symptoms of this disease can vary but usually a young adult dog may show symptoms that will overtime deteriorate.

Breeds affected by this condition which may be relevant when breeding with a Cocker Spaniel stud include English Cocker Spaniel (Show & Working Type), American Cocker Spaniel, Poodle, Labrador, Cockapoo,, Labradoodle, Cockador, Cockalier and Bocker.

Cadbury is DNA tested clear of prcd-PRA for his own health, and to ensure none of his offspring will be affected by this terrible condition. Prcd-PRA is relevant to the Cocker Spaniel breed and many other breeds as stated above. A clear DNA result ensures Cadbury is genetically clear and will never be a carrier or affected by this disease.

    Familial Nephropathy (FN)

    Familial Nephropathy is a fatal kidney disease which can affect English Cocker Spaniels at a young age between 6 months and 2 years. This disease can progress at differing rates and also have differing symptom, but it is ultimately fatal.

    Breeds affected by this condition which may be relevant when breeding with a Cocker Spaniel stud include English Cocker Spaniel (Show & Working Type), English Springer Spaniel and any Cocker Spaniel mix breed including Cockapoo, Sprocker, Cockador, Cockalier and Bocker.

    Cadbury is DNA tested clear of Familial Nephropathy (FN) for his own health, and to ensure none of his offspring will be affected by this terrible condition. FN is relevant to the Cocker Spaniel breed and other breeds as stated above. A clear DNA result ensures Cadbury is genetically clear and will never be a carrier or affected by this disease.

      Adult Onset Neuropathy (AON)

      Adult Onset Neuropathy is an inherited neurological disorder which is characterised by weakness in the hind legs, although it can eventually lead to weakness in the front legs too. This neurological disorder can affect English Cocker Spaniels at between 7 to 9 years of age, whilst the disorder will progress at differing rates it may gradually progress over 3 to 4 years.

      Breeds affected by this condition which may be relevant when breeding with a Cocker Spaniel stud include English Cocker Spaniel (Show Type) and any Cocker Spaniel mix breed including Cockapoo, Sprocker, Cockador, Cockalier and Bocker,

      Cadbury is DNA tested clear of Adult Onset Neurophathy (AON) for his own health, and to ensure none of his offspring will be affected by this terrible condition. AON is relevant to the Cocker Spaniel breed and other breeds as stated above. A clear DNA result ensures Cadbury is genetically clear and will never be a carrier or affected by this disease.

        Acral Mutilation Syndrome (AMS)

        Acral Mutilation Syndrome is an inherited sensory neuropathy disorder which is characterised by insensitivity to pain in the feet/paws which can cause intense licking, and lead to biting and severe self mutilation of the paw. This disorder can affect English Cocker Spaniels at a young age between 3 to 12 months old, and can also lead to other complications such as infections, nail loss and swollen paws.

        Breeds affected by this condition which may be relevant when breeding with a Cocker Spaniel stud include English Cocker Spaniel (Show & Working Type), English Springer Spaniel and any Cocker Spaniel mix breed including Cockapoo, Sprocker, Cockador, Cockalier and Bocker.

        Cadbury is DNA tested clear of Acral Mutilation Syndrome (AMS) for his own health, and to ensure none of his offspring will be affected by this terrible condition. AON is relevant to the Cocker Spaniel breed and other breeds as stated above. A clear DNA result ensures Cadbury is genetically clear and will never be a carrier or affected by this disease.

          Degenerative Myelopathy (DM)

          Degenerative Myelopathy which is also known as Degenerative Radiculomyelopathy is a progressive disease of the spinal cord. The disease typically affects dogs at a later age between 7 to 14 years old. It tends to start with loss of coordination in the hind limbs, muscle weakness, difficultly walking, balance problems and may lead to a leg being dragged or the dog becoming crippled as the disease progresses, which may happen over a few months to a few years.

          Breeds affected by this condition which may be relevant when breeding with a Cocker Spaniel stud include English Cocker Spaniel (Show & Working Type), English Springer Spaniel, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Cockapoo, Poodle, Labrador Retriever, Labradoodle, Sprocker, Cockador, Cockalier and Bocker.

          Cadbury is DNA tested clear of Degenerative Myelopathy (DM) for his own health, and to ensure none of his offspring will be affected by this terrible condition. DM is relevant to the Cocker Spaniel breed and other breeds as stated above. A clear DNA result ensures Cadbury is genetically clear and will never be a carrier or affected by this disease.

            Arrange a Mating

            To arrange a booking please complete the form below including estimated mating dates if possible please, or alternatively call or text 07527 237 408.

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            Why health tests matter...

            Health tests are extremely important for dogs being used for breeding. A dog with good health tests ensures forward knowledge of the DNA health profile of litters, which helps to prevent offspring being affected by various diseases and conditions that could affect their quality of life or even be fatal. Of course not all illnesses can be tested or ruled out, but various serious conditions can be with selected health tests.

            View Cadbury’s DNA health tests…

            How to arrange a mating...

            Please contact us either prior to or on your girls first day of her season to arrange a booking. We can be flexible when bookings are made and of course appreciate that season dates may only be approximate. Cadbury is not over used and therefore has adequate rest periods, however, we can take bookings at short notice if needed and we will aim to help you in any way we can with your general breeding plans.

            Make a booking enquiry…

            Get in touch...

            If you have any questions or comments then please feel free to get in touch using our contact form and we’ll aim to get back to you as quick as two wags of a dog’s tail. So whether you need some general advice prior to breeding, perhaps already have a bitch that’s pregnant and need some additional help, or just want to make a comment or say ‘hello’ we’re really only a click away so please feel free to contact us!

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